At Victoria’s Secret and Victoria’s Secret Pink, we want you to love shopping with us. That’s why we’re being transparent about how and why we use your personal information. Plus, we want to give you control over your information. On this page, you can learn about our data-sharing practices, how we use cookies (and how to manage them), and how to opt out of certain sharing of your personal information.
- Certain states give residents the right to opt out of certain data sharing practices that could constitute “selling” or “sharing” under these laws.
- For more information about our information sharing practices, please visit our Privacy Policy.
- To opt out of the sale or sharing of your personal information, fill out the form below. To manage your cookie preferences and our sharing with our digital vendors, click on other sections.
One way we collect your info is by using cookies (a.k.a. small pieces of data that your browser stores on your device) and other similar automated technologies. We use them to get to know you better, make shopping with us fun and easy, and show you personalized ads, but you can control some of them by clicking on the link below to view and change your cookie preferences.
For information about our cookie practices, please visit our Privacy Policy.
On our Services, and on other businesses’ websites that are not affiliated with us, third-party providers may collect information about your online activities to provide you with advertising about products and services tailored to your interests. While our enable you to specify your preferences with us for our Services, you may take the additional step to specify your advertising preferences with third-party providers, either directly or through a centralized registry:
- Your mobile device (via settings) may allow you to prohibit mobile app platforms (such as Apple and Google) from sharing certain information, obtained by automated means, with app developers like us and other businesses.
- Visit Nai Opt Out or, DAA Opt Out to learn about how to opt out of interest-based advertising, in general. Both organizations operate a centralized registry that displays and manages opt-out preferences for participating advertising-technology providers.